Saturday, April 05, 2008

Imy imy imy imy imy imy imy imy <3

Oh, i'm a pig today (:
Slept till so late, hah.

Basically, i'm sick so i didn't went for training.
Yep, so don't ask why :D

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,
A smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
An honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
All of that have the potential to turn a life around.

What we need to know about loving is no great mystery.
We all know what constitutes loving behavior,
We need but act upon it, not continually question it.
Over-analysis often confuses the issue,
And in the end brings us no closer to insight.
We sometimes become too busy classifying,
Separating, and examining
And to remember that love is easy.
It's we who make it complicated.

( I forgotten if i have posted this before, but its in my phone :D )

Either do i want to,
I'm sorry that i've made you worried.

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